Friday, January 27, 2012

Re: Eating without thinking

For the first time since I started this challenge, I ate without really thinking or planning and I did a really good job.

Me: What do I want to do for dinner? Menu 6 or Menu 7?
B: I was thinking tacos.
Me: Ok, sounds good. What kind of tacos?
B: Ground Beef.
Me: Ok, can you make my beef plain?
B: Well I was going to put taco seasoning on the beef.
Me: *Looks at seasoning, it has 540mg of sodium* Can we make mine plain?
B: Can I use cumin and chili powder instead?
Me: *Looks in cabinet again. Better, much better* Sure.

My meal plans are planned out to a tee but I have the ability to add things to the menu via a website database. For instance, if one day next week I decide to buy a bottle of wine and have a glass with dinner, wine is listed in the database. It is not recommended but it is there.

Back to my dinner story! I guesstimated on all of my portions. 1/2 cup of Black Beans, two 6" corn tortillas, 3oz of ground beef, cilantro, cucumbers, and a little bit of avocado. I did not go over my calories for dinner and actually had some to spare for the day. Like elliptical running a mile in 11 minutes was a huge deal, this is also a pretty huge accomplishment for me. When my workout and nutrition program is finished in mid-March, I believe I have a good chance of being successful on my own. You may think that it is one day and one meal, but I happen to see it in a slightly different light. Dinner has always been a challenge, even when I was much thinner. Two weeks ago, I would added one more tortilla, 1/2 cup more of beans, the sodium filled seasoning, and twice the amount of meat.

People have assumed that my grocery bill has skyrocketed but it really hasn't because I'm not eating out and I've purchased a lot of canned and frozen foods. I still have a lot of fresh veggies and fruits but that's not out of the ordinary for me. Do I miss some of the foods I'm used to eating: absolutely. Am I bummed that I have to limit my grape intake: extremely. Am I dreaming about food more often: unfortunately. Am I seeing results and feeling better with less calories: yes, but I'm still adjusting.

In response to the first question, I found some food links that I will be attacking and using. Quite frankly, I miss eating at Chinese restaurants. I've been saved! Eat this not that style guide to Chinese food. Good news, I can still have won ton soup! Bad news, lo mein/chow mein is out of the question. Boo! And it looks like I will have to start cooking my Mexican food at home. Fresh Guacamole and Jicama, here I come! I love cooking my own soups but usually end up popping open a can of Chunky. Looks like I need to clean the stainless steel pot and get going. I'm going to stick strictly to the diet for the next couple of weeks and if I am still seeing results, I'm going to start being a little more creative.

Remember yesterday when I said my legs were feeling awesome? They aren't anymore and I am feeling the burn. I have walking lunges to thank for that! It's not walking that gets me, it's sitting and standing up from sitting. Moving is key!

I do have a frustration to share. I'm working really hard and even though I've been a little bit crabby, I've done a good job smiling and laughing everything off. The support I've received from my family and friends has been overwhelming and awesome. That being said, I don't expect coworkers to jump up, hug and congratulate me when I've lost a fraction of a pound. What I do expect is that they respect my choices. Yesterday I had to say no to a piece of homemade cake three times. "Why Melanie? Just eat the cake." "No thanks, I'm trying to eat better. Cake isn't on my list today." Then they proceed to taunt me with the cake and laugh about it. Really? It's really hard for me to say no to that damn cake, must you taunt me? Or my favorite, "So have you even lost weight? It doesn't look like it." Yes, I have lost weight and I'm really proud of myself. I don't expect (or want) you to notice that my boobs are smaller, my butt is a little higher, and that my knees look thinner. I just want you to understand that my days of allowing you to guilt me into food are over.

Ending on a happy note... I love my walking partner!
Sorry it's blurry. We were walking fast!


  1. You are quite the dedicated blogger! I spent the evening drinking wine at the barn and then finishing my tutu for the Tinkerbell half marathon this weekend...ya know, because actual training for events is over!

  2. Haha! Still sounds like a great way to spend an evening. And my dedication will disappear one of these days :)
