Saturday, February 18, 2012

For the record: I like the lemonade part and it's not Snapple Half & Half, it's ARNOLD PALMER.

For my four faithful followers and anyone else who reads my blog, sorry I've been ignoring it the past few days. After Tuesday, my week completely went down the drain. Wednesday and Thursday, I left work early due to a weird (and non pregnancy related) sickness that completely knocked me out. I was feeling so gross that I missed my Thursday workout. I must have really looked sick because my boss actually let me leave early. Nothing exciting happened as I spent a lot of time on the couch reading, thinking about eating but not actually eating, and getting consoled by the dog.

Don't worry. Be happy.

It's funny how many people assume that my sickness is caused by pregnancy and then blame my new, nutritionist guided diet or my trainer guided workout routine. No, those things are getting me healthy not making me sick. I got sick because people get sick. But my "fat Melanie voice" says there may be some truth to getting sick because of the new diet because I ate a brownie yesterday, got a sugar rush, and felt 100 times better for a few hours. Oh the chocolatey, nutty goodness! It was really good and it did encourage me to buy some cheating items at the store today because everyone deserves to cheat a little. I got Ciao Bella Mango Sorbet and Jamba Juice Frozen Yogurt Bars. Move over Skinny Cows! You've got some competition!

Hank and I drove to the dog park today because I wasn't feeling up to a long walk. We saved a lost dog, played with a Vizla and English Setter, and we both chased after many forgotten tennis balls. I'm not a professional dog trainer but I am a well educated amateur who has done a good job with a dog. I hate it when people give their unsolicited two cents about me and my dog when they can't even get their dog to come when called. The Vizla and Setter were great playmates for Hank but their owners are not likely to be friends of mine anytime soon. Oh well, I'm not likely to see them again so we'll be OK.

 It felt really good to move around but now I'm really tired and I'm definitely taking it easy the rest of the weekend. Long bubble bath and reading in bed are in my immediate future!

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