Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Does anyone still follow?

Hello out there! Can anybody hear me????

Now that I've gotten THAT out of the way, I need to apologize to my legion (of 4) fans. I have not written and I have not thought about writing for the last month. I've been slacking. I'm sorry. But now it is time to get to BUSINESS.

I am running a half marathon on Sunday. Yes, this Sunday. I am currently freaking out because I am so nervously excited that I can't really find words to express how nervously excited I am. I've been plagued by self doubt and it has been made worse by the doubts of the people around me. The number one question that I have been asked is, "Wow. Do you think you can even run a half marathon?" Well no, I know I can't run the whole thing but that is not the point! I want to participate and fully complete a half marathon. I want to have a time to beat for the NEXT half marathon. Why can't innocent bystanders just say, "Wow. That's really cool. How are you feeling about it? Are you excited?" or "Wow. That is such a great accomplishment! Good luck!"

That all being said, I have several people who have given me some great advice. (Insert a big thank you to Jaime right... HERE :)) I also have a coworker who is going to be running the race as well but he seems a lot more focused. He is constantly asking me, "Melanie! Are you ready for this?!!??!!" And before I get the chance to respond he says, "Are you following a training plan? Because I am but it is making me so fatigued. Are you to that point? Are you ready for this?!!!???!!!!!!??" He is a really nice guy but he's... exuberant.

My training has gone OK. With the increase in temperature lately and my lack of desire to go to the gym, I've had some really bad runs. But I've also had some really good runs too. My best run to date was running for 45 minutes straight without needing to stop for a quick walk break and my recovery time was quick that day. I think I had a 60 second recovery and I was good to run another 30 minutes. My strength training has been non existent and my diet has just gone in the crapper over the last few weeks. I need to get back on the wagon with the healthy eating because my body has just been rebelling over the last couple of weeks. I need to be back to the point where eating a Sweet Potato is the highlight of my life!

Really quick before I need to go to work...

GOALS FOR MY FIRST HALF MARATHON (in order of importance)
1. Finish
2. Finish before the finish line closes
3. Take pictures and run at the same time (If you've seen the movie "Yes Man", raise your hand)
4. Do not fall, trip, or throw up.
5. Do not cause another runner to fall, trip, or throw up
6. Run at least half of the half marathon.
7. Do a happy dance at the finish line.
8. Be coherent enough to drive home after the race.

1. Pick up my packet (has to be done pre-race on Thurs or Fri)
2. Buy new insoles for my running shoes (perk of working where I work, I can get nice ones from the medical dept.)
3. Break in new insoles.
4. Do one more short run.
5. Create a new running playlist.
6. Buy Shot Bloks


  1. You can do it!! I was going ot run the Hald this weekend too but i ended up making other plans:( Let me know how it goes and I know you will do great:)

    1. It would have been great to see you there! I know I keep saying it and never following through, but we need to hang out. I really miss our college days!

  2. I am proud of you for sticking with your plan to get fit and more healthy!! I am insanely jealous and will be cheering for you on Sunday ..... all the way from Memphis. ; ) I think you are a beautiful person inside and out and am sure that you will do great this weekend. ; )

    1. Thank you, Jill! I was thinking about sporting my Team Auston shirt on Sunday because Auston INSPIRES me! Hope everything is going well out there in Memphis. :) Brian is here sweating it about the 50 kids that showed up to te Swine meeting last night... Pobrecito!
