Monday, May 27, 2013

30 days to go: Cheese Omelette with Goldfish Crackers and Salsa

Yes, I am currently eating  a Cheese Omelette with Goldfish Crackers and Salsa. The goldfish crackers were not there by design, I just saw them in the cabinet and decided that a handful would be a good addition to the omelette. Welcome to pregnancy, folks!

I'm really happy to still be working and keeping myself busy during the day. With my previous job, I would have been off weeks ago due to utter exhaustion and an inability to lift heavy objects (and an inability for that employer to keep me off the warehouse floor). I do however, have to watch my accounts get transitioned to our new employees and I have to train them. The changes are permanent so when I get back it will be like I'm a newbie again because I'll have to learn new accounts. Luckily, I won't need to relearn how to do my job. In general, things are going well but my customers are bummed to lose me. One of them even sent me a handmade baby blanket. How awesome is that? A woman who I have never met in person spent precious hours of free time on a baby blanket for Miss Baby D. 

Posting my belly progression... because I can!
Given my recent activities, I have almost changed my blog title from The Melanie Report to one of these titles:

Been There. Read That.
Babies Love Doughnuts ( go get me an f'ing doughnut!)
Yes, I am Gigantic. (and other comments received by complete strangers)
Eating Watermelon Like a Boss

Though, I decided for the time being that The Melanie Report should continue to work out and I can't let Pregnancy Hormones rule my life. (Ha! That's a load of BS *incaseyoudidntknow*) And just so you know, my husband has not been sent out on a midnight grocery shopping trip, has not suffered from moments of Pregzilla-ness, and has, in general, had it so easy. Movies lie. There, I said it! Now I might just send him to Starbucks to get me a coffee...

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

41 ish days to go: My ankles have disappeared

Almost in the home stretch! I'm defining home stretch as the final 30 days of my pregnancy. Who knows, I could be in the home stretch right now.

I don't really have much to say other than I'm tired, I can't sleep longer than 2 hours, my fingers are swollen, my ankles and toes are swollen, and my eyes are dry. It's been in the 90's for the last few days and that is the root cause for most of my problems. I don't do heat well anyway but pregnant... it's like living in the Father of the Bride 2 where two air conditioners are required.