Sunday, January 29, 2012

Music, oh sweet music.

I've been acquiring music for years and I always seem to hear certain songs and I think, "Wow! I could really cover some distance with this!" These are some of the songs that I listen to when I'm really in the mood to run: Fitness Playlist. It's really funny because I generally pick music for this playlist that I wouldn't listen to otherwise. Some of these songs are on my normal playlists and I challenge you to figure out which ones those could be!

I forgot to time our outing today which is unfortunate because it felt fast. I finally figured out how to get the 10K App to work on my phone with music playing but it requires headphones. I hate running with headphones but I guess I need to start liking it. We have a lot of areas with no sidewalks and I don't like not being able to hear things. Plus, without headphones I can hear all the dogs trying to attack us through fences.

I redid workout 1 (on the app) and did much better this time. The running intervals were easier and I was able to recover faster during the walking intervals. Hank really enjoyed himself and the walking intervals do as much for him as they do for me. I'm still bummed that I didn't clock this one!

I read most of the afternoon and relaxed on the couch. Enjoyed fresh cilantro on turkey tacos and had lots of fresh veggies with dinner. Feeling pretty good but I'd prefer if I didn't have to go into work tomorrow.

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