Monday, February 20, 2012

Oh what I would do for an Olive Garden Breadstick.

I just got home from workouts, had some Ciao Bella Mango Sorbet, and am currently sulking because of a massive craving for Stuffed Mushrooms, Seafood Brodetto and Breadstickssssss from Olive Garden. Notice the emphasis on the "S" at the end of the word breadstick, it means that I desire more than one of these horribly wonderful creations. Oh Olive Garden, how you tempt me. For now, I will have to settle for the Mango Sorbet.

Since I was sick on Thursday, I skipped workouts and I had no idea what the ramifications of said action would be until about 6:30 this evening. I did not want to go. I literally dragged my feet out the door but I made it. Turns out, I'm not the only one at class who almost didn't show up. Two ladies both pulled in to parking spots and pulled out almost immediately. One of them came back. In the long run it's worth it but in the short term, it was so not worth it. I just feel so drained and unmotivated to continue on for the final month of this program. It's not the eating plan I'm struggling with, it's the exercise part. Like I said last week, the trainer is just energy draining. He is self absorbed to the max and spends a TON of time text messaging while we're all busting our asses doing burpies and whatever other tortures he can mix up for us. It's beyond frustrating and it makes me rethink driving 60 miles round trip three times a week. I've recently discovered that the County Library loans out workout DVDs and those are looking really appealing right now. Not to mention, they are free. (Obviously, I paid for this program I'm doing and I'm not going to quit when I'm so close to being done.)

My weight loss is currently at about 15 pounds, plus or minus a pound or so. My (mental) problem continues to be that I'm officially weighing in at night for the program but my morning weigh ins are so much more.... satisfying? Accomplished? Meaningful? Truthful? Wonderful? Stupendous? Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious? Regardless of the number, I realized that I've lost inches everywhere, my clothes are looser, I've developed better eating habits and I am definitely more fit. There are positives to every situation but I really, really, really want the scale to be nicer to me. I need it to be nicer.

Since I seem to be thinking about food a lot today, I want to mention that baked cilantro with lemon juice, lime juice, and pepper is amazing. I had baked salmon the other day on a bed of cilantro and asparagus and it was the best meal I've had in a long time. I also made tortilla chips using the citrus and cilantro and they were YUMMY. Tonight's dinner was almost as good as the salmon. Rotini Pasta with green beans, carrots, cilantro, basil, pistachios, and a little bit of marinara sauce.

Starting on Wednesday, I'm going to participate in a couple of 40 day challenges in honor of lent. Rather than keeping myself from doing something or denying myself a delicacy (which I'm already doing by the way, see the breadsticksssss comments above), I'm going to push myself to DO things. 40 days of writing, 40 days of running, and 40 days of art journaling. Maybe I'll come up with something amazing during my 40 days of doing....

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