Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Setting a time limit...

I've read two books in two days and I've completely put sleep on the back burner so this post is actually going to be really short. I haven't been feeling well all day today which comes from a lack of sleep and an allergic type reaction to some flowers a coworker got for Valentine's Day. By the way, I'm not supposed to mention that my husband gave me my gift today while standing in a towel. Oops... mentioned it! I got over the ear headphones and an armband for my phone. It made me "OMG" because that means he really listens to me... guess I need to cut back on snarky comments. :)

Workouts last night and tonight have been difficult. I don't have energy and the hour drags on and on and on and on and on.... and on. A lot of the issue is our trainer who is with us on Mondays and Tuesdays is just, blah. He doesn't actively engage in the exercises, he changes the names of the moves even though they stay the same, he checks himself out in the mirror, he plays with his phone, and he doesn't tell us we're doing a good job until after we walk out the door for the night. It's a drag. Our trainer on Thursdays is awesome and he's supposed to be our trainer all the time and I totally feel like I've gotten the short end of the stick. I'm thinking about changing times to the morning class because I can't keep dreading the class and trying to come up with excuses not to go. (See: A Woman's Week at the Gym) I made a goal for myself this week to hold an unmodified plank for at least 20 seconds before switching to modified. Next week's goal will be 30 seconds. I did really well tonight and made it 25 seconds!

I've also had to fight off coworkers with a stick lately. I work in an environment where food and sharing food is a huge part of the building's culture. This means holiday potlucks and birthday cakes. Well, Valentine's Day supposedly deserves a potluck and I supposedly had to sign up to participate. I avoided it and dodged it pretty well until yesterday and when I was finally hunted down, I stood firm and said, "Nope." Needless to say, there are a couple people who won't be talking to me for a couple of days because I refused to sign up to bring avocado dip. Not to mention, I didn't eat any of the food.

Anyway, I do really need to put my computer and my Kindle out of sight and out of mind and just go to sleep.

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