Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Walmart is not a friendly place

Someone who loves me very much (my mom), told me that I need to write a book. I proceeded to tell her that she would be my only customer. Since that conversation, I have at least five people who would purchase a Melanie original. So just for giggles, I was looking into this: Amazon Kindle Singles. I've read a few singles on my Kindle and usually they are 99 cent short stories. Some are worth it, some are not. But it may be worth it for me to write one and see if it is accepted by Amazon. Would you read my book?

My day was pretty much uneventful. I did get my Subway card so We Three Walking Weirdos took a trip to Subway for lunch. I think I like my rule that if I can't walk to get my food, I need to find another restaurant. Within walking distance of work we have Subway, Port o Sub, Starbucks, a Chinese Buffet, Vietnamese, KFC/Long John's, Carl's Jr/Green Burrito, Pizza, and Walmart. I have a lot of options but my fresh food has just been so good.

I just did my Bar Method workout DVD and it was so easy! I got through the whole thing and feel really good. There is definitely a benefit to having an almost empty bedroom to work out in and it's even nicer that I can close the door. As much as I love my husband, most of the time he fails to see the benefit of doing certain exercises and generally, he tries to show me how "easy" the exercises are to accomplish. He usually doesn't do them correctly and I don't usually appreciate his efforts. If you don't know what The Bar Method is click HERE!! I've really enjoyed the group setting but forgot how much I like the solitude of doing interval/circuit training by myself. I can pause if needed to take a break or drink water or get made fun of by my husband. And I don't have to deal with a pissy trainer as the lady on the DVD will always be the same perky instructor every time!

Went grocery shopping today and had to fight my way through the aisles at Walmart. I decided to just go all out and buy seven meal plans worth of food. I only spent about $90 and I actually have food to last me for longer than a week. I got hit on by an older man, I was scoffed at for climbing to reach the couscous all the way on the back of shelf (and knocking down about 20 boxes of rice and quinoa in the process), and I got stuck in the intimates section when I ran into a coworker. (What? I needed to buy socks!) Not only did I have to fight through the aisles but I also had to fight through checkout. I got pulled from my line to an opening check stand and almost got cut in front of. Luckily, an irritated Walmart employee said, "Sir, I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to the young lady in front of you, she was in the line first so she is going first. Move aside." Yeah! Take that jerkface! Unfortunately, I didn't get the opportunity to unload even half my cart before he started unloading his cart. Had I not been paying attention, I would have paid for all of his purchases. I did make it out of Walmart in one piece but it was close there for a minute or two.

Week #4 weigh in tomorrow before workouts. I think I am going to make an effort to have as little sodium as I possibly can tomorrow so I don't retain as much water. I'd like the scale at the gym to be as kind as the one I have in my bathroom.

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