Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Blame the full moon.

Every full moon rolls around and most of the time it goes unnoticed. But have you ever noticed that the craziest things always happen around the time of a full moon? It's like the perfect time for the figurative shit to hit the fan. Nothing hit the fan today but everyone I saw in person (including myself) was tired and borderline bitchy. Not like, "it's almost time for your period" bitchy, FULL MOON bitchy. And continuing on with my conspiracy theory, tomorrow will be completely normal. This is my predication and I bet you $5 that I'm correct.

For our inventory day a couple weeks ago there was an incentive to make as few errors as possible. If you guessed "food incentive" you would be correct. Well, I completed said incentive and won the opportunity to stuff my face with pizza. A month ago, I would have gone for it and had four slices of whatever pizza was available with jalapenos and maybe a little bit of ranch dressing. Now, it kind of makes me feel slightly sick to think about the possibilities of what four slices of pizza could do to me. I requested a Subway lunch card instead but we'll see what happens. If anything, I'll just bring my own lunch and forget that I was rewarded for inventory day awesomeness.

Continuing on with the FMC (full moon conspiracy), workouts were not fun tonight. We were back to our original, semi-permanent trainer and he was in some kind of mood. Someone in the group actually got really pissed off that we've changed trainers so many times. I can see her point, all the trainers have different methods and personalities. I want some normalcy in the routine and being in the fourth week, you'd think that would be established. This was actually the first night that I was truly frustrated with myself and the first time I've said, "I can't". Not in the sense of "I won't try" but in the sense of "I'm not able to do this". I think my exact words were, "I can't do this. I'm not able to do this." Mr. FMC inflicted Trainer completely took that the wrong way and snapped at me. My thought is that if you can't do something, there has to be a modification of some sort that you can do while you are building up strength and muscle. Eventually I will be able to do the intended exercise but I just don't have the strength to do it right now.

Cardio wise, I moved to the treadmill and my knees are killing me. Again, Mr. Trainer was not helpful in this area either. According to him, I just have circulation issues. And no, he wasn't just picking on me. It seemed that no one could say the right thing tonight. Anyway, I didn't do great on the treadmill because of my knee discomfort. Out on the street, I am walking/jogging a 13.5 minute mile and on the treadmill I'm topping out at a 16 minute mile because I can't do the jog intervals. Hopefully this will get better.

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