Tuesday, May 22, 2012

And in other news...

(The results for the marathon were posted and my time WAS slower than I expected by several minutes. That's OK because I didn't finish last AND I finished! And you know what, I have shocked all the naysayers with the fact that I finished. So there, spootheads!)

Recovery, Day 3. From everything I've read, the day of the half marathon is considered the first day of recovery so if you are questioning my math, now you know how I'm counting. I'm really counting down the days until I can get out and start training for my next half marathon. I have a personal record to beat and you better believe that I will be beating it!

In my current condition, I feel like I will never run again but I want to so, so badly! I am sore from my knees down and when I analyze this, it makes me feel like from my knees up, I conditioned myself correctly. My feet are the sorest part of my body and I think it is because of my shoes and socks (both of which are being replaced, STAT). I have HUGE blisters on the backs of my heels that have already popped without prompting from me. And to make blister matters worse, I got two more at work yesterday because I was trying to hard to keep my shoes from rubbing against my heels. Serves me right because I ended up getting blisters on my longest toe on both feet (my second toe, BTW). The heel blisters are keeping me from walking correctly because when they are exposed to air, they dry out and I can't bend my foot without pain from crackly skin. All I can say is that I will be reading up on preventing blisters and I am pretty resolved to never have them this badly again.

My Dad told me after I finished the half that if someone had asked him 10 years ago, "Do you think your Daughter will ever do a half marathon?" that he would have told them that he knew I was capable but he didn't think it was going to be an addition to my bucket list anytime soon. I laughed because 10 years ago, when I was 16, I did everything in my power to get out of running. I hated it and I mean I truly despised it. But I do not have any memory of being prepared to run. We were always just told to start running and I am 100% certain that caused my hatred. We were expected to just do it and we were graded on how many laps we could complete. That is not the way to run, I mean after all you have to walk before you can run, right?


  1. I went to 2 different running specialty stores and they both recommended stability shoes because I twist my right foot when I run. I had terrible pain in my calves and it went away with the right shoes.

    I think they have Road Runner Sports in CA and I highly recommend them!

    1. We don't have any Road Runner shops around here but we do have a couple local shops that do video gait analysis and specialized shoe fittings. We'll see what happens!
