Tuesday, January 31, 2012

"Keep on dreamin, even if it breaks your heart."

If I can't make it at home with fresh ingredients, I'm not going to eat it. That is the promise I made to myself. That being said, I need to have these Vietnamese Spring Rolls like I've never needed anything before. I've been craving the spring rolls from a local restaurant for the last week and I am about ready to cave. I'm thinking that I can walk to the restaurant from work, pick up my order, and walk back to work. It'll be about 3 miles total and in my mind, it is totally worth the effort.

I went online to track my calories today and it says that with everything I ate, I was only at about 1200 calories. Either I am missing something or I really only ate 1200 calories today. It's completely possible but strange. I didn't feel unsatisfied or irritable so I'm racking my brain to figure out what I missed. I made a huge change today by substituting dressing with salsa and it made my salad pretty amazing. A mild/sweet Salsa with Lettuce, Shrimp, Carrots, Green Onions, Almonds, Cucumber, and Tomato. I definitely needed my snack in the afternoon after a mostly veggie lunch but I wasn't ravenous. My dinner was not a good pre workout choice so I know now that Ravioli is on my "worst" list. I only wish I could get away with having sweet potatoes every night.

The workout tonight was intense. We did a cardio interval twice that just killed me. At one point in the second interval, I realized that Sonic's was across the street so I just imagined that I was running over there to get an Orange Cream Slush. What made it horrible was that the resistance increased from 0 to 15 over the 15 minutes but there were two minutes each at resistance 12, 14, and then 15. Worst six minutes ever. Times two! To make it even better, it was our core circuit night so we spent 20 minutes on the floor. It's the first time since we started that my core really aches. And it's also the first time since we started that I realized Sonic's was across the street. Sigh...

Second official weigh in is on Thursday and I think I've lost another 2-3 pounds since last week but we'll have to wait and see!

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