Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Dear Feet, I have just one thing I'd like to say...

I went on my first post-half run yesterday. It wasn't as successful as I was hoping it would be and my feet are really sore this morning. I guess this is to be expected, I was just hoping it wouldn't be like this.

Slightly over a week ago, I made it 13.1 miles without an ounce of digestive upset. Yesterday, I could hardly make it half a mile without my stomach jumping and churning. I ran through it but had to cut my run short by a mile so I could run home and go to the bathroom. It makes me so frustrated because I'm not sure how I can prevent this from happening. Do I need to be more hydrated? Do I need to eat differently? Do I need to wear adult diapers when I run? I can stand the first two questions being answered with a "yes" but the last one would be going too far. Plus, my pants are too form fitting for me to get away with wearing anything other than underwear. This problem will get fixed.

I added Countdown Widgets for my half marathons on the right side of my blog and it looks like I have 89 days to train for Santa Rosa. I'm actually thinking about jumping behind a marathon pace group since they are following the same loop. I don't think there is a rule against it and it may just be helpful for me to be paced. One other positive about going to Sierra Running Company will be my ability to ask about local running groups. I should probably join one.

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